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Scotland Digital Justice & Policing 2023

Meet NEC’s Public Safety team at this year’s Scotland Digital Justice & Policing.

Digital Justice & Policing 2023 is the largest gathering for digital justice practitioners in Scotland, where stakeholders gather to hear how investment in technology is helping the police and courts to modernise frontline service delivery, from data-driven innovation and smart devices to cloud-based platforms.

Bringing together stakeholders from across the justice landscape, to work out the next steps for a system that is remaking itself in the digital age.

Exhibiting at the conference, our Public Safety team will on hand to share with you how NEC is supporting driving innovation in policing. Including providing information our facial recognition and Identity Verification products.

Working in partnership to push power to the front line

We’ve supported front line officers for more than 35 years, jointly shaping software to match the latest operational needs.

With safer communities as our shared ambition, we provide the right data in the right way at the right time. This pushes power to the front line, makes new partnerships work and enables better decisions on the move.

Whatever your specialism, we’re here to help you prevent harm, act decisively and reduce risk.

Find out more about our operational policing software.