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Helping our clients deliver effective public services

The first point of contact that many members of the public will have with the emergency services will be when they need to call for help. Making that process as quick and seamless as possible, through a multi-channel, integrated approach, has ensured that our solutions have helped our clients significantly reduce call times, for both emergency and non-emergency, as well as call abandonment rates.

Integrating with other data sources and surfacing that data, intelligently, to the control room means that many more calls are resolved at this first point of contact and crime reports can be created far quicker so that call duration is markedly reduced, freeing up critical capacity accordingly.

Central to our ethos in the development of our solutions has been the management of critical data; especially data relating to the points of contact and engagement that the public has with their force.

Crucial to that is being able to tie records of contact together, from whatever channel they may have come through, to ensure that a rich picture of data is presented to the call handler, quickly and accurately, so that they are able to identify vulnerability and risk to support decision making and response.

Not only does this promote a more effective service for the public it also allows the force to evaluate response requirements. For one of our clients, this has allowed them to markedly reduce response to incidents that would have previously taken time and resources away from more critical events.

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